Super Heroes + Def Emcees: Biblical Prophecy in Popular Music and Film

I just attended a great presentation by Dr. Ken Derry - a lecturer on the History of Religions at the University of Toronto. The event was organized by University of Toronto Young Alumni and Friends and took place in the cozy Roll Play Café (a boardgame cafe similar to Snakes and Lattes). I've never noticed this place before since I'm usually sucked into the BMV bookstore right next door, but I'll definitely be visiting again. 

The talk highlighted many interesting parallels between biblical stories and what we're exposed to in popular film and music. Dr. Derry specifically focused on examples in recent superhero movies and hip hop. It was concerning to see how prevalent "zealous nationalism" is in mass media (yes, even Lion King). On the other hand, Dr. Derry's examples of "prophetic realism" within hip hop music has made me view the genre in a new and much more positive light.

While I look for some Lauryn Hill music to groove to, check out the highlights of the talk in my sketchnotes: